Here I have a message in front of you. I hope it finds you all in good faith.
What started out as someone's confusion in trying to arrange Smash 4 Lucas mirrors lead to the creation of this server, over 6½ years ago. That period of time is enough to watch a child go through all of middle and high school — and, for many of us and yourselves, that was certainly the case.
Before we moved onto Discord, we weren't strangers to it. Communities I frequented were already checking it out big-time. Forums were making it out to be their IRC replacement, not fully understanding that it wouldn't be just some small-time chat - it'd wound up being a full enticing replacement as a whole. For good reason, too, given the state of group chats back then. Many today don't remember how truly lacking Discord was at that time in terms of features, but people were tired of Skype. Our once-secluded group died away both there and on LINE, so Discord was the path of least resistance. It was fine. It felt comfortable, small, like a friend. Everything was right with it for a while.
And of course, there's no need for me to rant over and over. Things that are good just don't stay good forever. My qualms with this site have become many over the years. My disdain and tiptoeing increasing exponentially, as though I'm dealing with a tumour. And a tumour it is, one that I'm ready to dig out. You can probably guess as to why I make this announcement. Years of disappointment — both from individuals and the site itself (which became the very thing it sought not to be) — have delivered to me yet another way out from the present. A series of actions that I have been thinking about since the start of the year, something that I should have done long ago halfway between then and now. But if you know me, you know my greatest weakness — Fatih never gets things done for himself. But, finally, the Mountain will travel once more.
I have met so many people on this site, been a part of so many communities, seen all sorts of things, if my massive DM list of over 2400 folks and God-knows-what other data is anything to go by over the years. I wouldn't blame you for thinking I was perpetually online. Many of you, and of you who I speak of in passing, are a clear result of that. No single majority — a sole point of entry for you all — is to be found here. And while I have been active in enough places for good periods of time, none of them have remained a home for me aside from my own. This place has outlasted servers, people, events, all sorts of things. But it's no longer in my interest to keep a proud streak of this place's long history. It is not an empire, and I have no dreams of permanence. It has long overstayed and overstepped its role.
There amount of you who have been here since the very beginning is the same as the amount of hands I have. There are plenty of you that have been around for a handful of years, and much more who have only known me since the turn of the decade. I don't know how many of you remember the ancient roles, like Companions and Voyagers. There are plenty of those who I've been close with who've never bothered entering or knowing about this server - and that is fine. This place has always had its doors open to anyone who stopped by, and stayed open to anyone leaving even long after the fact. People come, people go, and there is a remarkable reason for the lack of eternity on anyone's part. Mark my words, I am aware of how fickle people can be, how temporary attachments are. One year's active member could be someone of the forgotten past. How many of you could remember a given name from this place that was spoken so often years ago? Look at the state of the server now. How many of those do you recognize as missing? Those who were too impatient to await the glad tidings of a ceremonious goodbye?
That is what the Mountain is, and what it has always been — that is, a mere place to stop by, an oversized stone in the road. A metaphorical place to rest, never a place to stay. A place that has seen many faces, a place that stays in the back of minds until it itself fades away from memory. Even if I had tried with all my might to knit this community tighter and enjoy the events we've had together, the end result will not fancy my initial goal. Both because the villagers make the village, and that my own plans are never certain. The fact remains that what you know as the Mountain of Fatih has always reflected one purpose, ironically imposed by the roleplay server that once stood tall. It is a melting pot of those who I've known, those who have searched for me, and something that is shaped by those of whom I've made a minimal impact on and - likewise - those towards me. A collection of friends, phases, times, and groups that are really just imaginary pages on a book never to be written. Maybe nothing more should be expected due to the name. After all, it's not inaccurate to only say it's "Fatih's Server". Indeed, most have come purely with attachments to me big or small, and only for me. That is why it is not a community in the sense that I expect one to function as, and why I say it has overstepped itself. I can likely say many words about each member here that I can put a name to, but to all of you and each other, you may as well be strangers.
Dramatic, yes. The truth, and I don't say this in vain, is that no matter how much I've tried to get things to work otherwise, the community cannot seem exist without me, at least for long. No matter how big this place grows or how much mingling there is, surely enough, this is the Mountain of Fatih, and so anyone without that name will be making their way elsewhere. This place is like a business card, and if there is no business to be had with me, that card may as well be shred up. Whether through text or voice, this is a constant, where the server does not live without me. I'm not sure if this is something I could have prevented or if it is the natural way of things. I'm not really bitter about it either, but on top of many other reasons, this is why I have stuck with my decision to end things. The quiet, dilapidated community with no Fatih is not a good look.
I have yet to directly say what is going to happen. Again, there are enough of you in-the-know to have seen it coming in different ways. But for those of you who really don't get it yet, I am closing down the Mountain of Fatih Discord Server, permanently. There will be no hand-me-downs, no official child server, nothing left, at least on this site.
The same will go for me, as well. You will not expect to find me here, past, present and future. I will be gone, and you will not be able to be in contact with me on Discord. Those who have been attentive will notice that I have wiped my messages off most places I have bothered to look into, including personal ones. However, fret not, for I have archived most of these messages, and the same care will be given for this server as well.
Why have I not announced all this sooner? Because as always, I had ideas, plans, thoughts of a grandiose epilogue in animation format. Perhaps you remember that one ping. But as the years and months turned in this decade, I found I have lost all sense of my love for working on things and projects. I have had all the time in the world to complete this so-called "ending" tenfold, but I just never had the determination in me to offer that sort of artistic gift to myself and to the server. Stress came to me, and I had to rely on myself for strength and mature some more. In the end, I feel like it wouldn't matter anyway. I don't think most of the people I hoped to see the reel are around anyway, and I simply don't believe in the lasting potential of such a project, even if I would've poured love into each frame. So I will not wait any further while the year is about to turn again. Maybe one day I will think about it again, but this server will not be around to see the results or any other projects I have shelved.
I could have shortened this announcement into far fewer words, but that's just not how I operate. I have a selfish satisfaction in writing this way, knowing that it's far more likely that these words will be skimmed over instead of being quickly digested. I'm fine with all this being perceived as some self-important longpost, and I'm aware this server is just a droplet in a sea of many other servers you are all a part of. But if it isn't sticking for long anyway, then that's fine. My hatred of this site, my poor experiences with people I expected better from, the fake social competition and every other bad thing that goes hand-in-hand with this hog pit — I now leave behind the tumour that lingers. I move on at last, and force people to find me if it ever comes down to that. Because if me searching after people had led me to believe anything, it's that people definitely won't search for me.
But all this said, I never said the Mountain is disappearing forever. Only moving. Again, it has begun on Skype, moved to LINE, proceeded to its massive streak here on Discord... So when it comes to today's landscape, where does one turn? I have considered many alternatives, such as Matrix and TeamSpeak, but after much comparing, I have long ago already decided that Guilded is the best option. The Mountain of Fatih has already found its new resting spot on Guilded, at least until one day when must move from there — lest it dies along with it. But I'm sure many of you have seen the pings regarding this, so I will not elaborate the "why"s any further. There is a sticky you can read for how easy it is to join in with the link at the bottom at your leisure, but I will not distract the point.
The Mountain has always been a community made up of who's hanging around with me at the time, that much is said. And now that it's moved elsewhere, it has been small, quiet, dead. Strategically speaking, this move has been dangerous, and will likely be that way forever. I have accepted that. I have accepted that by doing this, I have shrunk the circle massively. Practically everyone who treads upon Guilded will be naturally gatekept, and the chances of any new faces passing by and seeking refuge will be incredibly slim. For who wants to often check in on yet-another Electron app just to talk to a group they weren't much active to in the first place, among a sea of expanding social media? Especially on a dead website that's to be used exclusively for my humble little circle you may have never been compatible with in the first place?
Once again, that is only just a part of the Mountain's true identity. Back then, we all used LINE when it was inconvenient and strange, just because we didn't know any better and wanted something cool. We ran from the popular Skype at the time, and now we are running from Discord. By nature, tradition, and my desire to only make my circle accessible to those who will make such uncomfortable shifts, my quiet mountain is back to the small 10-person friend group it was known to be once upon a time, lest it grows again.
I understand that this is wholly selfish, naggy, and fruitless for many. Once again, you may as well be only following along for my sole self. And if you did join, I expect you to get bored and leave the Mountain behind. The amount of dead accounts on there with names I recognize is plenty, the people I haven't heard from for a while a bucketful. But given the type of activity this server has had, the things I've had to deal with using Discord, and the amount of disappointments I have had, the move is worth it. This is not an ultimatum to have contact with me, and I have no intent of bothering anyone with my decision. Since this purely revolves around me, I am capable of making this decision. Once again, as dramatic as it all is, the fact is that my companions have somewhat migrated there, and I am thankful for that much. While I dislike for things to be a repeat of people being only around for me, that power is one I have to use if I want to repurpose the Mountain elsewhere.
Because, regardless, if anyone was out for me and only me, they would know where to find me. I am one of the easiest people to find, but am a person that is never searched for. People don't want to search for me, or for anyone else, I find. These days, people seem to rather assume things or shy away from others to keep their silent streak. Tangent aside, if you are looking to stay in contact without registering for a new site entirely, Steam will be my only social hub, for you know I avoid social media like the plague. At least there we can play a game one day, if that time comes. But I'm getting old now. Don't have too much for games nor projects, sadly. My casual joy has died.
I would have written this more positively, with less of the melodramatics - but the fact of the matter is that the time has come, and I've wasted too much of time. It has been a long, long, long six and a half years. I have made plenty of good memories spiced with many upon many of mistakes, and have spent way too much time dabbling in certain things than I'd like to admit. But as there has been nothing here for me for quite some time now, I will exit stage, and follow the Mountain wherever next it goes. Well, it's already left... So I bring the echoes that haven't reached here yet.
Make your decisions on what you'll do, then. Once again, the path to the Mountain is always unobstructed, albeit faded and unclear. If you come by, I don't personally expect anyone to stay for long. You're free to prove me wrong. Else, I have given you my other singular point of contact, and even if that isn't enough for you, then I'm afraid you'll have to make amends with my website, YouTube channel, or, if it's that dire, my e-mail address meant for these circumstances. You are free to continue to participate in this server until it closes, whether to say your goodbyes, get my contact, or just leave as many have during these quiet months. I will be around to talk a little, maybe answer your questions, exchange contacts, et cetera, but not for long.
You will have the yawning hours shortly after New Year's Eve to decide on where you go from here before the server fades away - if all goes according to plan. Once again, I will archive everything. But I will not be accepting friend requests, for my accounts will fade away too. If you must speak directly with me, I have already told you how.
Thank you for making the Mountain what it is over the years. Even if I'm bitter, even if you're careless. Regardless on how you got here, when you were active, and what you think of me. If you even know who I am, if we've ever even spoken. It's been quite the ride, but this chapter of the Mountain is retiring. Maybe those that have left or disappeared will be curious about this place, never knowing of its fate in their lifetime. Maybe an old account here will log on and feel like they're forgetting something missing. I doubt any of this will happen. But the good thing is that we can all move on in our little ways. A long time ago, a young boy would've ended things off by telling you to keep loving. That boy's long gone now, so in his place, I'll say, only love when you know it's good to. There's no point of hurting yourself and losing that love.
And speaking of love, if you have never seen it before, my final suggestion is to send a promise to my web collage — I seemed to have been getting traffic from Discord in the past, but as that won't be happening anymore, this is the only time I'll ask for anyone interested to help fill in the third page. Please visit Ai below.
In my animation, I was planning on having a massive credits scroll of thank yous to people over the years, even those who have forgotten about me and this place entirely. I have already stopped being attached to the past, but a little acknowledgement wouldn't hurt. Since the video has been cancelled, I thought about reposting the wall of credits here. However, some people want to be forgotten. I'm no longer in the business of involving others. So, the only credits I offer is "You". You know who you are, what you've offered, what you did, you who is here, you who has moved on a long time ago, you who does not even know the Mountain exists. You know your role, and I'm sure I don't need to point you out to the world. I thank you, even if I resent you.
It will almost be 10 years since the birth of the travelling "Mountain of Fatih". Who knows if it will have an ending sometime soon.
Not every story needs a conclusion, but a good one has something that makes you reflect on everything before it. Although your journey here may have been short, this is just one tiny part of your world.
So go off now, and learn from your life as I'll continue to do.
See you next, voyagers, whether in this life or in the next.
You can access the Guilded server using this main link: https://guilded.gg/MoF - simple to remember. You will likely have to verify your e-mail before being able to make full use of it, unfortunately. But this is our new home now. Bookmark it if you consider joining in the future. You can also read my short primer on the familiarity that this site has to Discord using this thread: https://www.guilded.gg/MoF/groups/539WZvOd/channels/693cb0b8-1d91-4a1a-9b4a-2abbc90de879/forums/127673901
A place to create, share, and view promises. For yourself, for others, for everyone, for the world, or for love.
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